Wallace Peaslee
Mathematics PhD Student at Cambriddge, previously at Duke. Mathematics for image analysis and art investigatiton.

Office F1.14, Pavillion F,
Centre for Mathematical Sciences,
Cambridge, UK
Hello and welcome to my webpage!
I am a mathematics PhD student in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge as a member of Jesus College. I currently study mathematics inspired by problems from image processing and art investigation under the supervision of Provessor Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb as part of Cambridge Image Analysis. I began my PhD in 2022 and am funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.
Before my PhD, I was an undergraduate majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science at Duke University. I was fortunate to begin working in applied mathematics through projects supervised by Professor Ingrid Daubechies (along with Shira Faigenbaum-Golovin and Barak Sober) related to image processing and artworks in collaboration with the ARTICT research group, beginning what would eventually lead to my PhD topic. I have also explored projects in pure mathematics through a senior thesis related to combinatorics and cohomology with Professor Joseph Rabinoff and a project that started through Budapest Semesters in Mathematics with Dr. Attila Sali and Jun Yan.